"Why do you eat fish? Arent you like a "fish-hugger"?"
I always shoot back at them and say,
"Really?" as I shove a piece of fish down my throat.
Im sorry but as much as I love studying fish and seafood, I also love eating it.
Why, a perfect example of this is exactly what is happening this summer. I am studying the bay scallop population here on Nantucket (I wont get into the nitty-gritty of it. It takes too long) and ever since Ive been studying them, I have been just craving to eat a scallop, which recently has been fulfilled.
Another example is back in college during lab class; when I would dissect an animal for class, I tend to get hungry. Then right after lab class, I head straight to the cafeteria.
You're probably thinking: wow, you're disgusting and pitiful.
All my vegetarian and vegan friends out there are probably hating me to forever.
But here is how I think of it: You have a better appreciation for your food and your meal if you kill it yourself. You work for your food.
The other day, I went out to eat with a friend because I was too lazy to cook. I had lobster and my friend gave me a piece of her scallops (because you know, I research them and all).
Now this lobster wasnt all ready prepared to be eaten with merely a fork.
I had to tear into this baby. And it felt great. I felt all primal like way back when, when our early Homo sapiens/erectus ancestors didnt have tools and had to hunt for their food. Yea, that way.
Check out this carnage.
See, I wouldnt appreciate my food if it was prepared for me poorly; actually I would be pretty upset.
So I love food, especially seafood, when I catch it myself or rip into it myself. I appreciate it a lot more.
Moral of the story here is yes, I study marine animals and yes, I eat them but I appreciate it a lot more if it was caught by me, killed by me, prepared by me, or ripped into by me.