Monday, March 14, 2011

"Cwazy fo' Cupcakes"

Pardon me if my speech sounds slurred by my over-zealousness. Actually, Im not THAT crazy for cupcakes. But yes, I love them; they are just that sweet dessert to reward yourself for a job well done, or to snack on when you're intoxicated or high, or to binge on when someone breaks your heart.

But you know, cupcakes weren't that huge when I was younger. Sure, you would get the occasional mom that brings cupcakes to a kindergarten class to celebrate her son's/ daughter's birthday but that was the extent as to how popular cupcakes were then.

Now, bakeries and coffee shops all sell cupcakes.  Chocolate, vanilla, red velvet, pink frosting, sprinkles, cream cheese frosting, brownie cupcakes. They are everywhere!!! with all different varieties. There are even special bakeries that solely sells cupcakes. In addition to its popularity, the size of cupcakes have increased. Forget your dinky little bite-size cupcake; at Crumbs Bakeshop, the "Colossal Crumb towers at about six and a half inches high with deliciousness and love baked into every bite." Um immense sugar high, anyone? (Dont get me wrong, if I received a six and a half inches tall cupcake as a present, by no means would I turn it down.) 

Rachel Kramer Bussel, who has been blogging about cupcakes since 2004 at 'Cupcakes Take the Cake', says that "in the last two years or so, cupcakes really exploded" with more cupcake-centric bakeries opening nationwide. "Some people say it's nostalgia, and I think that plays a small role, but even more, it's that they are so personalized,... Everyone has a favorite" she said. (Full article here: CNN)

What's my favorite? Im not sure. There are just sooo many to choose from. It's cwazy! (But I can tell you what type of cupcake I had last: Red Velvet with cream cheese frosting from Crumbs Bakeshop )

Some say the craze started when "Sex and the City" popularized New York's Magnolia Bakery and its sugary treats. I remember walking to a Magnolia's last Spring and there was actually a tour group taking photos of the place and then stood on line to get into the place (I, of course, stood on line) and buy their cupcakes; probably because that was the place where that particular "Sex and City" scene was filmed. This place was super tiny, crowded, smelled sweet, and quite warm. Others might add on to say Saturday Night Live's funny classic, "Lazy Sunday" clip might have had a role in boosting the cupcake's reputation. (See it here on Hulu)

So not only would you see cupcakes at a kid's party, they are being promoted to have as the iconic wedding cake, which I guess is a good thing that because each guest has their own individualized and equal portion of a sweet dessert.

How long will this cupcake craze last? Many say the end is near. Cupcakes can cost up to $4 to $5 each and with this economy, it's always a good idea to be wary with your money spending because you never know what will happen. Plus it sounds a little crazy to spend $5 on a single cupcake. Plus, the golden rule of economics, supply and demand, applies: the more cupcake bakeries open, the less demand for it. (But you know what might be on the rise? Cake Pops. More on that in my next post.)

But until then, let's continue to walk into those Cupcake-ries, smell the sugar in the air, get hyper on mounds of frosting; let's enjoy cupcakes, the sweet and popular dessert.


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