Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Evolution of Desserts :
the Cake Pop

So it seems like the idea of dessert is making headlines and is continuously evolving. First there was this cupcake craze (view my last post on it) and now this: the cake pop.

What is a cake pop? Cake Pops are simply little cakes on a stick.

My first encounter of cake pops was at a friend's birthday dinner party. It was cheesecake pops all decorated in a tree or something. Then I started to notice its population growing on Valentine's Day when they were put on display at a bakery or something They caught my attention for a split second and then I was distracted with something else. Recently I saw them at Starbucks. Oh my gosh, if Starbucks is selling them, this must be the next big thing, I thought. Starbucks was giving them away for free as desserts called "Petities" during their three-day 40th year celebration.

Being that these little desserts are so small, I guess it kinda sheds the guilt of desserts and their unhealthy amounts of fat, calories, and sugar content which was Starbucks gimmick, "Starbucks Petites are made with only premium ingredients to offer the perfect amount of decadence. Each petite is under 200 calories, so you can still feel good about treating yourself." But regardless, too much of one thing is always a bad thing. Do the math.

In my opinion, I think these cake pops things are really a thing of art. The creative spectrum of decorating these cake pops are endless. However most of the time, they end up looking cute-looking and whimsical.

Plus, I think they are ingenious; they're a portable fun dessert. But if you are like me, cake pops take the fun out of actually enjoying the dessert. I like to savor and enjoy my desserts; Im not a fan taking my food on the run.

Overall, I think cake pops take the world of desserts to a whole new galaxy. They're decadent-looking, delicious like cake and you can even give them as gifts.

Hmm, I think I will try to attempt to bake some cake pops of my own.

Check out more from Bakerella and her creative cute cake pops.
Also purchase her book: Cake Pops: Tips, Tricks, and Recipes for More Than 40 Irresistible Mini Treats.


Audaces fortuna iuvat said...

I personally think the cake-pop idea is silly and will not last very long. Totally a kitchy fad that will fade. I agree with you, I prefer to savor my desserts and actually feel like I can indulge rather than have a little cake be gone in two bites on my way to catching the train. If you ask me, dessert should be a guilty pleasure.

And PS Starbucks, your petites should be coupled with petite prices if you plan on successfully guilting your customers into buying them...

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